A few hours after it was known the discovery of the body of Gabriel Cruz the eight-year-old boy who disappeared on February 27 in Las Hortichuelas (Almería), began to circulate through social networks and WhatsApp a hoax that linked the couple of the father of the child, Ana Julia Quezada - detained this Sunday when he had in the trunk of his car the body of the child -, with the kidnapping of another girl. It has not been the only false information that has circulated during the 12 days that the search operation of Gabriel has lasted:
Ana Julia Quezada is not linked to the kidnapping of Anaís Gómez
A message spread mainly through WhatsApp has tried to link Ana Julia Quezada with the parental kidnapping of Anaís Gómez, who disappeared on September 4, 2016 in San Javier (Murcia). "It's the same as in 2016," reads an illustrated text with a montage in which the poster of the girl stolen appears next to a photo of Ana Julia Quezada in which she poses with a minor. The woman had published that photograph on March 29, 2014 in her personal Facebook account, open and therefore accessible to any user of this social network. Both the Police and SOS Disappeared have denied the involvement of the couple of Gabriel Cruz's father in the case of the Murcian girl, although a mere comparison between the two images is enough to note that it is not the same girl.
false arrest of Quezada
Four days before the Civil Guard found the body of Gabriel Cruz in the trunk of the car driven by Ana Julia Quezada, some media reported wrongly of his detention while others claimed that Angel's partner Cruz focused the focus of the investigations. The Civil Guard considers that such information could make Quezada nervous and push her to change the body of the child.
A pick and shovel in the car of the stalker by Patricia Ramírez
A "reliable witness" testified to [19659008] Public Mirror an Antena 3 program, which had seen Diego FA, the stalker of Gabriel's mother introduce "in his vehicle three suspect objects the day in the that the child disappeared: a pickaxe, a shovel and a large bag ". The investigation has ruled out for now the involvement of the man in the death of the child.
The "two Moroccans" who kidnapped Gabriel
The spreaders of xenophobic bullos take advantage of any circumstance to promote hatred towards immigrants. During the search operation of Gabriel Cruz, it transpired that "some Moroccans in a white van" had kidnapped the child. As reported The voice of Almeria, this false information caused in the area of Campohermoso some altercations that forced to intervene to the Civil Guard.
Signatures that increase sentences
The same Sunday, when just had just heard the news about the discovery of the child's body, several open requests on the platform Change.org encouraged citizens to sign for the sentence of Ana Julia Quezada was as hard as possible. One of them which at 12 noon on Monday added more than 23,000 rubrics, claims life imprisonment for the murderers of the child. The second, with more than 192,000 supports asks Quezada to serve a sentence in his country of origin, the Dominican Republic, "knowing that Spanish justice will prove to be insufficient punishment and too complacent with this murderer, even if impose the penalty of 150 years in prison or life imprisonment. " A third text, disseminated by WhatsApp, encourages the dissemination of a message with the argument that if the "25,000 messages spread, the girlfriend of Gabriel's father will have a 20-year sentence."
The three messages that demand the citizen support promote impossible actions in Spain. In the first place, there is no life imprisonment, but the permanent rematable prison, a kind of life imprisonment in which the convicted person can recover his freedom after a series of terms of at least 25 years. It is also not possible for Ana Julia Quezada to serve a sentence in the Dominican Republic for a crime committed in Spain, nor for the volume of messages sent via mobile to determine the years of sentence: Spanish justice acts in accordance with the laws and penalties are never established in function of citizen requests.