
Valdés and Taiana on vaccination: We never exercised a privilege

In the first point of the eight that make up the letter, they remarked: "We were vaccinated with health personnel from the Posadas Hospital, which is the national referral hospital, after having been invited by President Alberto Fernández to join his delegation on the trip to Mexico, as presidents of the Foreign Relations Commission of the Chambers of Senators and Deputies respectively ".

After consulting the highest health authorities of the country and for availability issues, both received their turn for Thursday 18 February in the aforementioned Buenos Aires hospital.

"Minutes before the appointment, we were told to go to the Ministry of Health instead," the officials specified.

With this information, they sentenced: "Never we exercised a privilege. Our case applies to the priority category of "Strategic personnel: any person who develops management and / or conduction functions and necessary strategic functions p For the proper functioning of the State " as established in the" Strategic Plan for vaccination against COVID-19 in Argentina ", Resolution 2883/2020". api_key = 1e0f56943452409b556fd540b2fa059c & premium = true & url = https% 3A% 2F% 2Foembed% 3Furl% 3Dhttps% 3A% 2F% 2Feduardofvaldes18% 2F2F66324% 1965spublish% 2Feduardofvaldes18% 2F2F66324 Together with @jorgetaiana we are obliged to clarify some points, in our capacity as presidents of the Foreign Relations commissions of both chambers of the national Legislative Power.

- Eduardo Valdés (@eduardofvaldes) February 20, 2021

Also, in the document they detailed that both are risk patients with different comorbidities. [19659002] Taiana (70 years old), who described himself as "heart surgery, with two bypasses and with diabetes," said: "However, despite my health condition, I worked actively throughout the pandemic, both in person and online. , to fulfill my responsibilities in the Senate.

While Valdés (65 years old), "a patient at risk due to age, pre-existing health conditions related to his weight and heart conditions", explained: "During All this time, I worked actively in order to exercise my legislative and political responsibilities, virtually and in person. "

" Integrating the presidential delegation on the trip to Mexico raised the health situation of both, but also the need to look after and preserve the health of the other members of the entourage and of the Mexican hosts themselves, "they justified.

In the eighth point, and as a closing of their explanation, they stated:" Faced with partial and incorrect information that has circulated, we see each other in the obligation to explain the circumstances in which we were inoculated, as established by our responsibilities and obligations, taking into account current legislation and in permanent consultation with the health authorities ".

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