
Lula said that he dreams of a big Latin America but one that is strong to negotiate

"My political experience shows that it is possible to build a sovereign democracy and build among ourselves a strong bloc to negotiate politically, economically", emphasized da Silva in a recorded message to conclude the event on Facebook.

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Lula stated that he considers it necessary "to build a large, sovereign, united Latin America, without subordinating itself to any economic group, much less to the United States."

Likewise, stated that "the fight for democracy is every day, at all hours" and stressed that "the only fight that is lost is the one that is not done."

The former foreign minister of Brazil, Celso Amorim, and the national senator of the Frente de Todos and president of the Patria Institute, Oscar Parrilli.

"We have Mercosur and Unasur as integrators. And Celac is a coordination mechanism but it is very important in relation to the a pandemic, in defense of the interests of the region. These levels of deep integration require a little distance from the United States in order for them to occur "noted Amorim.

In turn, he expressed that beyond the technical aspects, the" central challenges of integration are political and have to do with the interests of big capital, of the superpower (United States) of our continent ".

" There is no doubt that our integration is not seen favorably by the establishment. Today, South American integration is not an essential question, but an existential one, "said the former head of Brazilian diplomacy.

For his part, Parrilli warned about" the cultural question that they want to put us about that we are the 'backyard' of the world. ".

" In the region there has never been a process as complete as the one that occurred with Lula, with (Hugo) Chávez in Venezuela, with (Néstor) Kirchner in Argentina. And then came the onslaught against the United States, "he added.

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