
Deputies are already authorized to deal with the project in extraordinary

The tentative plan of the president of the lower house, Sergio Massa is to hold informational meetings next week. Then, the purpose is to rule in the first weeks of March and conclude with the approval of the initiative before the end of said month.

The bill establishes that workers in a dependency relationship, both in the public and private sectors , Do not pay income if they earn less than 152 thousand gross pesos per month.

According to the proposal, retirees and pensioners who earn up to eight minimum salaries will not pay income: 152,280 pesos.

The initiative has the support of the deputies allied to the Frente de Todos and also of the blocks that make up Together for Change, although some legislators already anticipated that they will ask to introduce some modifications.

The project would imply that, with the new floor, they would stop paying the tax 1,267 .000 of workers and retirees.

Another 102,741 people with gross salaries of between 150 thousand and 173 thousand pesos will pay less than at present, to avoid "jumps". Uscos in the tax scale.

Those who will continue to pay Earnings are 733 thousand employees and retirees who earn more than 173 thousand pesos per month, "returning to the historical percentage that only 10% of those with higher income pay Earnings "according to the project.

The project promoted by Massa stipulates that, by districts, 569,000 employees and retirees will stop paying the tax in the Province of Buenos Aires; in Córdoba 103,000; in Santa Fe 98,000; 158,000 in the City of Buenos Aires and 30,000 in Tucumán, among other provinces.

On the other hand, the annual fiscal effort of the measure is estimated at 40,000 million pesos.

In 2020, 2.3 million paid Profits of people: 25% of dependent workers.

Up to now, this tax is paid by employees in a dependent relationship, single without minor children, who earn a net monthly salary of 74,810 pesos.

Married people With two minor children they pay it from 98,963 net pesos, after the retirement and health discounts.

Retirees and pensioners are deducted Earnings if they collect more than six minimum salaries (114,210 pesos).

Decree 2021-106 published in the Official Gazette

City of Buenos Aires, 02/17/2021

In use of the powers granted by articles 63 and 99 subsection 9 of the Constitution of the Argentine Nation, [19659002] THE PRESIDENT OF THE ARGENTINE NATION


ARTICLE 1 .- Include in the agenda to be discussed by the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATION, during the current period of Extraordinary Sessions, the consideration of the following matter:

- Bill to replace subsection c ) of the first paragraph and the fourth paragraph of article 30 of the Income Tax Law (TO 2019) (Exp. 6960-D-2020).

ARTICLE 2.- Communicate, publish, give it to the National Directorate of the Official Registry and file it.

FERNÁNDEZ - Santiago Andrés Cafiero

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