
They will place special barriers against cyanobacteria in the Río de la Plata

The meeting, held at the facilities of the Aguas Bonaerense SA (ABSA) company, was attended by the president of that firm, Germán Ciucci, the mayor of Ensenada, Mario Secco ; representatives of the municipalities of Berisso and La Plata and of the Scientific Research Commission (CIC).

In this first meeting it was determined to work in the corresponding technical areas and then be able to generate communications to government agencies that need it for decision-making and dissemination material for the community that allows not endangering the health, among others, of bathers or aquatic athletes.

"This technical table is composed of the main actors related to water in the region to be able to propose an emergency, prevention and contingency agenda in the face of the cyanobacteria situation, at first, "explained Jelinski.

The official stated that the phenomenon will have "a repetition due to climate change, product of sewage effluents and an extraordinary downspout of the river that encourages these blooms."

I confounded it rmation of the interinstitutional table arises from the Undersecretariat of Water Resources as a result of the extraordinary process of algal flowering -cyanobacteria- that recently saw the operation of the water intake located on the right bank of the river in the town of Punta Lara compromised and that can affect water quality.

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