Cristina again proposed a reformulation of the health system
In this way, the vice president reaffirmed the concepts formulated on the implementation of an integrated national health system that she presented on Friday, in the act that the Buenos Aires Government organized in the Unique Stadium of La Plata and in which the President Alberto Fernández, Governor Axel Kicillof, the head of the lower house, Sergio Massa, and the national deputy Máximo Kirchner, among other leaders and officials.
"We are closing a difficult year. We had been hit by the four-year pandemic of macrismo and we had to face the unexpected. The health workers made a great effort this year and they did it with a great commitment, " noted Cristina.
The ex-president affirmed that" a health system was received abandoned "by the government of Mauricio Macri, and that in the face of this reality" it is not possible to patch up or provide partial solutions ".
" In health matters we must reconceptualize the system. L he pandemic showed that some places have many resources that others lack. We have a concentric model that must be reformulated. We must work with the commitment that all men and women who love their people have, "said Cristina through a message that was reproduced at the close of this day.
For her part , Kicillof another of the speakers who had the day, stated that "the health business is one of the best hidden secrets of capitalism" and stated that when it is undertaken " a transforming action affects reacting interests ".
" Behind what we know as health, there are multi-million dollar businesses. It is scary to know how much it moves and that is the result of neoliberalism, which took government positions to earn money with the health system ", he considered.
After reviewing the effort that his administration made to expand the hospital system of the province in the context of the pandemic, Kicillof argued that "the 202nd was the year of the pandemic, and 2021 will be the year of vaccination" against the coronavirus.
"We have given a national and Peronist response to the pandemic and we are going to a massive vaccination plan that will be free. It will be a collective feat and that the people take possession of it. We want people to participate in the operation ", pointed out the head of the Buenos Aires Executive.
The Minister of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Gollan, pondered the recovery of the health system in the Province and highlighted the efforts of the workers in this task.
"The expansion of therapy beds and the expansion of rooms would not have been achieved without the participation of the organized community. The social movements, health promoters, churches, the Red Cross and all those who were in the neighborhoods every day joined in this task, "said Gollan.
At the beginning of the event, a video was shown in which criticized the health policies of the macrismo and recognized the efforts of the Alberto Fernández government to confront the pandemic.
"Today we have a courageous government, which gave the response from the State and put the policy ahead to organize ourselves before something that we could not foresee could happen . The pandemic was a challenge for Alberto, Cristina and Axel. It is an effort of the militancy and we have to be grateful for it ", Kreplak stressed.
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