Hot Sale: they act against companies for deceptive offers and CACE asked to unsubscribe the publications
The companies charged so far are: Personal Movistar, Red Megatone Jumbo, Suavestar Garbarino, Despegar To the World, Cetrogar Philco, Dexter Netshoes, Fravega The world of toys, Wal Mart Sodimac and Mercado Libre .
In the case of Personal, Movistar, Red Megatone, Jumbo and Suavestar it was noted that within the Hot Sale they offer some products that maintain the same prices as last week . [19659002] Regarding Garbarino, it was found that publishes the price of a product at a higher value than that published before the Hot Sale and in another article it is offered without reducing the price.
In these In these cases, it is presumed that the companies were not complying with their obligations and would provide uncertain information, since did not aria of exclusive and new offers, misleading consumers because the online sales event is promoted based on the fact that users will be able to find exclusive discounts for the most important e-commerce brands in the country. [19659005] "Preventively, while the administrative process is evolving, companies were contacted to request the withdrawal of the offers questioned by said body," the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce said in a statement, noting that "in its capacity as coordinator of the Hot Sale, follow this topic closely. "
On the other hand, the companies Despegar and Al Mundo offer tourist services without specifying the previous price of the same products . Therefore, the right to certain, clear and detailed information that consumers must possess is being violated, which would result in an alleged breach of the obligation of suppliers to inform the price prior to the offer (Article 2 of Resolution No. 7/2002.)
Cetrogar, Philco, Dexter, Netshoes, Fravega and The world of toys, offer within the Mercado Libre portal, some of their products i indicating an earlier price that, in reality, it is higher than the one published last week . The same behavior was detected in the offers made by the firm WALMART and Sodimac on their websites.
In all these cases consumers would be being misled by creating the perception that it is a higher discount. the one who really is . Consequently, the companies were charged for providing uncertain information regarding the previous price and the current discount.
Finally, Mercado Libre was charged, in all cases where the offer of the mentioned companies was made on the portal , because its action would not be limited to the mere intermediation between suppliers and consumers, but rather promotes and offers the Hot Sale incorporating a link so that consumers can access the full list of stores and products offered . You are responsible for the information on your site regarding the previous prices of the products and their reliability since, otherwise, the good faith of the consumer who trusts the portal and the promotions that the firm disseminates would be affected.
In all the files, the screenshots of the offers of the last week of each of the companies and those issued in the framework of the Hot Sale 2020 were added in order to graph the situation.
All the charges for alleged breaches of the Consumer Defense Law, they were notified on July 28. The companies have 5 business days, which cannot be extended, for the release. The fines for these infractions can reach $ 5 million .
In the statement, CACE remarked that it organized the Hot Sale 8 years ago "promulgating best practices for electronic commerce and seeking a positive experience of the consumers ".
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